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Palliative Care

Open Textbooks

  • INCTR Palliative Care Handbook   The International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research maintains this open access handbook that covers a variety of palliative care topics. Table of Contents
  • Caring for the Human Spirit in 2014   A collection of articles organized by the CSU Institute for Palliative Care and the HealthCare Chaplaincy Network on chaplaincy. Career advice and palliative care topics are included.


Open Textbook Collections


  • YouTube
    • Search YouTube by key terms and try filtering by channel or “Creative Commons” license (these videos are specifically labeled for reuse).
  •  Videos through the CSUSM Library
    • Select “Books & More” tab and use these limits: Full Text Available Online and Audio Visual.
    • Library Media Reserves, including Video on Demand option (allows you to stream videos to CSUSM students). Keep in mind that you should leave at least 1 week of lead time for processing these requests.


Ebooks in the Library

The CSUSM University Library has an extensive collection of ebooks on a variety of topics. To find what’s available:
  • Go to the University Library homepage
  • Choose “Books and More”
  • Enter keywords and search
  • Use the limiters to narrow by “Full Text Online” to ensure all results can be accessed directly from your computer
  • Limit by “Books” to filter out journals and media

Journal Articles

Consider including journal articles as required or supplemental reading for your courses. Search through our palliative care databases for articles. Just be sure to direct students to the article by permalink (or static URL) rather than posting the PDF directly in your Cougar Course. This will ensure two things: 1) that we are complying with copyright and publisher restrictions, and 2) that our journal usage is counted (this allows us to justify maintaining our subscriptions).

This page provides examples illustrating how to find permalinks in the Library’s databases.

Please contact your librarian if you are still unsure of how to find the permalink.


Other Open Educational Resources


Open Access Journals

  • Palliative Medicine & Care: Open Access   This peer-reviewed journal covers diseases, symptoms, pain, and stresses of serious illnesses. Articles focusing on improving the quality of life regarding medical, psychological, and end of life care issues are highlighted.

Other CSUSM Library Resources

More information about finding and using library resources can be found on the Palliative Care Research Guide.



Have a good idea for a free resource? Tell us about it! Email your subject specialist.