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Open Textbooks

Ebooks in the Library

Search for ebooks with Geography related keywords (e.g. minority groups, socioeconomic status, discrimination):

  • Go to the University Library homepage
  • Choose “Books & More”
  • Enter keywords and search
  • Limit by “Full Text Online” and “Books”

Most of our ebooks have multi-user access which means students can access the book simultaneously from different computers.

Media in the Library

Put DVDs and other media items on reserve, or use our “Video on Demand” service so students can watch online through your Cougar Courses. Complete the Media Faculty Request Form as soon as you know what films you’re using for your classes.

Need more multimedia clips? Try YouTube and TED Talks, or add “Creative Commons” to your Google searches to find results that are specifically labeled for re-use.

Free Textbooks

Search for Ethnic Studies related keywords in the following resources:

Journal Articles

Articles from our Ethnic Studies databases can be great for required or supplemental readings.

Just be sure to direct students to the article by the permalink (or static URL) rather than posting the PDF directly in your Cougar Course.

This will ensure two things 1) that we are complying with copyright and publisher restrictions, and 2) that our journal usage is counted (this allows us to justify maintaining our subscriptions.) Please ask Melanie if you are unsure of how to find the permalink.

Open Courseware

  • Courses from Penn State
    The Department of Geography at Penn State offers a variety of course material online in several subject areas.
  • GIS Tutorial Collection
    From Tufts University, this course provides a basic set of tutorials for understanding how to use geographic and tabular data to visualize a community.
  • World Regional Geography
    World Regional Geography is concerned with the physical and human characteristics that make the regions of our world distinctive.
  • MIT Open Courseware offers an extensive series of online courses. Search for Geography related lecture videos, assignments, exams, and more.
  • Use the keyword search function to discover the variety of materials on Geography.
  • OER Commons
    Searchable by discipline and academic level. Search for Geography and related keywords for instructional materials, texts, images, videos, primary sources, and more.

And more…

  • Internet for Geography
    This online tutorial was created to develop students’ internet research skills, with specific reference to geographical information and topics. The tutorial contains a wide range of useful links to online learning materials, textbooks, multimedia, maps, digital data sets and more.
  • Stanford Geospatial Center
    The Stanford Geospatial Center has gathered a series of websites that offer GIS Data to download for free. The data is classified per geographic extent and grouped by theme for each extent.
  • US Census
    In addition to lots of raw data, the Census provides in-depth PDF reports on different ethnic groups and related topics, like voting registration, socioeconomic status, education levels, and more.
  • The World Images database provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project and contains approximately 100,000 images, is global in coverage and includes all areas of visual imagery. The images can be located using many search techniques on the left hand toolbar, from QuickSearch to Advanced and ADA Searches.


    Have a good idea for a free resource?  Tell us about it here! (Click submit or the green plus sign to expand the form).